
How do you take care of an orthopedic patient?The Importance of Orthopedic Care

Taking care of an orthopedic patient involves providing specialized treatment and support for musculoskeletal conditions. This includes diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and ongoing management. Orthopedic care is crucial for maintaining mobility, alleviating pain, and improving overall quality of life.

Why Is Orthopedic Care Important?

Our musculoskeletal system is one of the most fascinating bodily systems, and it’sincharge of every movement we make from raising our arms, to more sophisticated tasks, like typing, jumping, and sprinting. When something goes wrong with the musculoskeletal system or any of its parts (muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and other connective tissues), our range of motion and ability to move can be severely affected.

Orthopedic care or orthopedics is a branch of medicine that addresses a variety of musculoskeletal problems in both surgical and non-surgical ways. Orthopedic care providers are medical professionals who administer orthopedic care. Here we will talk about the importance of orthopedic care and where you can go for high-quality urgent orthopedic care.

  1. Pain Relief

Any injury or condition of the musculoskeletal system can result in significant pain. This pain can be acute (short-term pain that starts suddenly) or chronic (long-term pain that slowly worsens over time).

  1. Management of Injuries and Conditions

Orthopedic care is intended to treat a wide range of injuries and conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system. Examples of injuries that orthopedists treat include:

  • Fractures
  • Tendon injuries
  • Meniscus tear
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Ankle sprain
  • Shoulder or hip labral tear
  • Rotator cuff tear
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Osteoporosis

Orthopedic care involves the use of a variety of approaches to addressthese conditions that help restore an individual’s ability to move freely and enjoy a higher quality of life.

  1. Management of Congenital Conditions

Orthopedic care is not solely focused on theinjuries and conditions related to the musculoskeletal system that a person acquires in his lifetime – it also helps individuals who are born with congenital musculoskeletal system abnormalities.

Congenital musculoskeletal system conditions are those that are present at birth and result from developmental abnormalities. Clubfoot and scoliosis are the most common congenital musculoskeletal system conditions that orthopedic care providers treat regularly.

  1.  Injury Prevention

Orthopedic care is not only intended to treat musculoskeletal system injuries and conditions, butyour provider can also prevent injuries and conditions in people who are at risk higher risk for developing them.

  1.  Surgical Care

Orthopedic care is also committed to supporting the patients who are suffering from disorders, such as osteoarthritis,that limit their ability to function. Orthopedic doctors can help such individuals by replacing their damaged joints with artificial joints to help them return to a life of mobility and pain-free movements.

How do you take care of an orthopedic patient?

Post operative care basically refers to the assessment, diagnosis and evaluation of the outcome. The scope of post operative care required depends on the individual’s health before the surgery or the nature of surgery performed.

Orthopedic surgery generally refers to a branch of surgery which deals with the conditions of the muscular and the skeletal system. The ultimate goal of postoperative care in case of orthopedic surgery is to prevent further complications such as infection, to help in healing of the surgical wound and help in rehabilitation of the patient post surgery.

Therefore it is quite useful to plan for your recovery in advance. Surgery, whether a minor or a major one, requires special care. If the surgery is performed in regions like the spinal cord (spine surgery) , utmost care must be taken to prevent any further complications from creeping up. You must also be careful after a knee replacement surgery or a joint replacement surgery as further complications in these cases might result in complete paralysis.

The nature of post operative care depends on the type of surgery that is performed. Post operative care which is required after a spine surgery may be entirely different from post operative care needed for a knee replacement surgery or a joint replacement surgery.

  • Post operative care after a spine surgery

Taking care of the incision wound to prevent any sort of microbial infection. Utmost care must be taken to prevent any form of swelling on or near the wound or experiencing pain around the incision area. Bed rest and applying ice on the affected area may help to reduce your pain considerably. Covering the wound with adhesive bandages also helps in healing the wound.

Proper care is required for dressing. You need to change your dressing after around 1 or 2 days and this may be discontinued once the wound starts to heal. You also should not apply any cream or ointments without consulting your doctor first.

You might also face some amount of pain in the lower back region or in the muscles after surgery. This kind of pain normally subsides after around 6 months of undergoing surgery.

  • Post Operative care after a knee replacement surgery

Post operative care after a knee replacement surgery requires a more active rehabilitation process. Some of the rehabilitation procedures include:

Undergoing physiotherapy treatment after the surgery is one of the most fundamental rehabilitation techniques. Performing regular exercises, or using a support while walking is quite integral to postoperative care in case of knee replacement surgery.

You should also avoid activities like driving or frequently going up or down the stairs for at least 6-7 weeks after your surgery.

  •  Post operative care after a hip replacement surgery

Certain precautions are to be taken to prevent the dislocation of the hip joint. These precautions include not bending your hip above 90⁰, not bringing your knees and legs together or sitting straight up on the bed.

You also should not indulge in activities like driving or frequently using a staircase to prevent any further complications.

Therefore it is quite important to be very careful in the post operative period to avoid any further complications after you have undergone an orthopedic surgery.

Re-examination by the doctor after around 7-8 days of surgery is very important. If, in case, any sort of problems creep up or in case of any complication, you should always visit the doctor instead of just ignoring it.

Compassionate Care and Ongoing Support at Jain Multispecialty Hospital

Taking care of an orthopedic patient involves a comprehensive approach to address various musculoskeletal issues. At Jain Multispecialty Hospital, we prioritize the importance of orthopedic care, understanding its significant impact on patients’ mobility and overall well-being.

Our team of experienced orthopedic specialists begins by conducting thorough evaluations to accurately diagnose conditions such as fractures, joint pain, arthritis, and sports injuries. We then tailor treatment plans that may include medication, physical therapy, minimally invasive procedures, or surgery, depending on the individual’s needs.

Rehabilitation plays a crucial role in orthopedic care, and our facility offers personalized rehabilitation programs to aid in recovery and improve functionality. We emphasize patient education, empowering individuals to actively participate in their treatment journey and adopt lifestyle modifications to promote long-term musculoskeletal health.

At Jain Multispecialty Hospital, we recognize that orthopedic conditions can significantly impact daily life, causing pain and limitations in mobility. Our dedicated team is committed to providing compassionate care, innovative treatments, and ongoing support to help patients regain independence and lead fulfilling lives.

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